Sunday 15 November 2009

Ahoy Me Hearties...greeeeeeee

Ahoy everyone!
This is my latest cake...
My pirate just sits there, not aware of the danger lurking in the water...
Shiver me timbers!!

So have a great week or as they say "Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum"...(I think that's what they say :-)

Monday 9 November 2009

Happy Birthday

It's the time of the year again, that I have to show my girls that mom doesn't only make birthday cakes for other children, but for her own daughters as well...

So this year (to my delight...) I didn't have to make two cakes for my 5 year old twins birthday party, but one cake with a theme that sort of involves two "best buddies".

These characters always makes my girls laugh, and to be honest they make me laugh as well...

Ladies and gentleman's, put your hands together for "best friends"...


Sunday 8 November 2009

Raising the scale

Some children knows exactly what they want...and I love it!

She came in with a big smile on her face and a small tiny sample of the cake she wants.

Check this one out... the Small cake next to its exact edible larger (much larger) version...

Have a great week, Tali

Tuesday 3 November 2009


She asked me for some cup cakes...
Some scary cup cakes...
Some really really scary cup cakes...

Not suitable for the faint hearted!